
The server is a Node.js application providing a rendez-vous point for all displays to subscribe using a Websocket protocol as well as an administration page to manage all displays, group them and tell them which URL to display.

Server and receiver

The simpler way to get Dashkiosk is to use the Docker image:

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
             -v /var/lib/dashkiosk/database:/database \

If you need Chromecast support, you need to use --net=host:

$ docker run --net=host \
             -v /var/lib/dashkiosk/database:/database \
             -e "chromecast__enabled=1" \
             -e "chromecast__receiver=http://<DOCKER_HOST_IP>:8081/receiver" \
             -e "port=8081" \

Alternatively, you need to execute the following step:

  1. Grab the latest tarball for Dashkiosk from GitHub.

  2. Install Node.js and optionally npm. Currently, Dashkiosk works with Node.js 0.12.x or more recent. If the version available in your distribution is not up-to-date, have a look at how to install Node.js via the package manager before trying to build from the sources.

  3. Install bower and grunt, two package managers for Javascript with the following command:

    $ npm install -g bower grunt-cli
  4. Unpack Dashkiosk in the directory of your choice and go into that directory.

  5. Install the appropriate dependencies with the following commands:

    $ npm install
  6. Build the final version of Dashkiosk with the following command:

    $ grunt
  7. Upon success, you will get a dist directory that you can put on some server. It includes both the receiver and the server part. Then:

    $ cd dist && npm install --production
  8. If you want to use the Android application, you still need to build it and install it. See Android application.

If you get an error while compiling mDNS extension on Linux, ensure you have the appropriate development package for Avahi. Specifically, on Debian, you need libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev.


Dashkiosk stores its data inside some database. By default, it uses SQLite. If you prefer to use another database, this is quite easy. We will use PostgreSQL but this should be easy to transpose to another database supported by Sequelize.js, the ORM used in Dashkiosk. The databases currently supported are:

  • MySQL,
  • MariaDB,
  • SQLite, and
  • PostgreSQL.

Here are the steps:

  1. Create a dedicated user inside your RDBMS. For PostgreSQL, this is done as the postgres user with the following command:

    $ createuser -P dashkiosk
    Enter password for new role:
    Enter it again:
    Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
    Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n
    Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n
  2. Create an empty database. For PostgreSQL, this is also done as the postgres user:

    $ createdb -O dashkiosk dashkiosk

The database will be populated automatically when running Dashkiosk for the first time.

Unassigned dashboard

By default, displays are put in a group with a dashboard with cycling images. You can add more images in app/images/unassigned if you want. Then, rebuild with grunt.


To upgrade, you can use the exact same instructions that you used for installation. You can choose to do an in-place upgrade if you want to:

$ npm install
$ grunt

If you kept the default SQLite database, be sure to save it (it’s in dist/db/) before upgrading and restore it after upgrade. The dist/ directory where Dashkiosk is built is wiped out on upgrade.